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August Newsletter

Posted Date: 8/19/24 (6:40 PM)


Newsletter   |  August, 19 2024   

Important Dates
  • 8/20- Back to School Night -6pm to 7:40PM

  • 8/26 - Picture Day

  • 8/27 - School Site Council meeting - 3 to 4 pm in the library

  • 9/2 - Labor Day - No School

  • 9/6 - PD Day for Staff - No School for Students

  • 9/10 - Coffee with the Principal - Time TBD

  • 9/27 - Back to School Dance - 7pm to 9pm


Principal's Message


Message from the Principal

We have had an exciting and fun filled first three days at Windsor Middle School!  We are excited to host you tomorrow night at Back to School Night beginning in the gym at 6:00pm.  This event provides a wonderful opportunity for you to meet our dedicated staff, learn about our curriculum, classroom policies and procedures, and get a glimpse into your child's daily school experience.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!!!

We are looking forward to good times, cool conversations, and awesome treats at Coffee with the Principal from 8:45am-9:45 on 9/10/2024 in the WMS library.  

Please consider volunteering for the School Site Council for the 2024/2025 school year.  The School Site Council plays a vital role in shaping the future of our school and you will be part of a team that helps drive positive change for our students.  The first meeting is scheduled for 8/27/24 at 3:00pm in the WMS library.  Please email Angela West if you are interested in joining the team!

The first Windsor Middle School Boosters meeting for the 2024/2025 school year will be on 9/11/24 at 4:00pm in the WMS library!

Go Jags!

Picture Day Information

Hello Windsor Middle School Families,

Picture day is fast approaching, and we’re excited to capture some wonderful memories for you! Here are the details for the big day:

Picture Day: Monday, August 26th - During PE class

Attached to this email is a flier with all the information you need, including the prepay ordering link for photos. You can also access the ordering page directly using the link below:

Online Gallery Link:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out directly to Hawkes School Portraits by emailing us at or calling 707-823-6537. We can’t wait to see everyone looking their best!

Back to School Night
 We are excited to see you tomorrow night, August 20th at 6pm. Principal will speak at 6:05 in the gym Dismissal to classroom at 6:15
Schedule as follows:
1st 6:20-6:27:_________________
2nd 6:32-6:39:________________
3rd 6:44-6:51:_________________
4th 6:56-7:03:_________________
5th 7:08-7:15:_________________
6th 7:20-7:27:_________________
7th 7:32-7:39:_________________
(7/8 grade only)
Dismissal 7:39-classrooms close
Your studdents will be coming home with this schedule template tomorrow after school. Be sure to have your students schedule as there will be no one to help look them up. 

RenStar Window

WMS students are starting to take their baseline assessment in RenStar! We are so excited to see where they are starting so we can make goals and see how much they grow academically by the end of the school year!

Today and tomorrow your student will add your email to their RenStar so that you can receive their results as soon as they are done. Please check your email and look for this link.  The link is only live for 24 hours.  It may go to your spam folder, so please check there if you don’t see it in your inbox.

Athletics Update:

Cross Country: Our Cross Country team is up and running, but it's not too late to join! We welcome all students interested in participating.

Girls' Basketball: We had a fantastic turnout for our 7th and 8th grade girls' basketball tryouts. Teams will be finalized by Tuesday, August 20th.

Flag Football: Flag football season kicks off on September 3rd. Be sure to submit your athletic clearance forms so you're ready to participate or try out for teams.

- 6th Grade Girls' Volleyball: The 6th grade girls' volleyball season will begin with tryouts on September 23-25. Don’t forget to complete your athletic clearance so you’re eligible to participate.

All Athletes must be cleared before attending any sport practices/games of their season of sport. 

Click here to get started!

Students going to Brooks After school
Please know that if you would like to visit Brooks or their staff, they have a closed campus and you would need written permission to come visit teachers during their school day.  If students are walking from WMS to Brooks to pick up younger siblings, students need to wait out front of the school.

Tardy Policy

Being on time to class is an essential part of ensuring a productive learning environment for all students at Windsor Middle School. Timeliness is crucial as it sets the tone for the day and allows students to benefit fully from their education. Being punctual demonstrates respect for the learning process, teachers, and classmates. Students who arrive late disrupt the flow of the class, miss out on important instructions, and create unnecessary distractions for everyone. Tardiness has a direct correlation to student performance and is detrimental to the total learning environment

Therefore, we have implemented the following Tardy Attendance Policy:
1. **1st - 4th Tardy:** When a student is tardy for the first to fourth time, a warning will be issued, and the student will be reminded of the importance of punctuality.

2. **5th Tardy:** Upon the fifth tardy, the student will be assigned an after school detention. This serves as a more formal warning and an opportunity for the student to reflect on the impact of their tardiness on themselves and others.  After school detention is on Tuesday & Thursday from 2:40 - 3:20pm.

3. **6th Tardy:** Following the sixth tardy, the student will be required to attend a Saturday School session. 

4. **Tardy consequences reset after the 6th tardy as well as at the start of each grading quarter.

It is important to emphasize that being tardy not only affects the individual student but also has a ripple effect on the entire class. Consistent tardiness can lead to missed assignments, incomplete understanding of the material, and a lack of engagement in the learning process. By arriving on time, students show responsibility, readiness to learn, and respect for their own education and that of others.

We encourage all students to prioritize punctuality and adhere to this Tardy Attendance Policy to create a positive and conducive learning environment for everyone in our middle school community.

Definition of tardy:
Students are tardy if they are not in their seat or classroom space when the tardy bell rings.
